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A member registered Jan 07, 2018

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Is there a way to mess with the layers? Since bust 10 is above bust 1, and it is kinda problematic.

Go into plugin settings, mess with the bust 2 settings, the screen X one.

(1 edit)

It worked, thanks. This plugin is very useful, been using it for Busts and CGs, and with the new expression system I can lower the clutter of pictures for my folders. Not to mention I could stop using a preloader which was causing problems with some people on weaker computers or devices.

Turned off all mods (beside one which was a save core from yanfly so that should be alright), and it still happened. Here is a link to one of my busts, can you see if it happens to you with one of mine?

I think what is happening, if the picture is a certain size it will appear on the screen when it tries to close it.

I noticed that just before an image disappears part of it appears in the top corner for about a second. I am using the new expression system with my images.

Thanks for that, must of missed that part

What am  I doing wrong? The text is pushed to the side and the image in front of the text box.